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Q1 Where is the closest bus stop

the closest busstop is Dixie hwy at el Vedado

Q2 Can I order the pie for my wedding?

Yes, apsolutely, please call us or fill our the order online

Single Pie

Q3 What is the most famous pie?

The most famous pie is "Famous Apple Pie"

Old Fashioned Apple

Q4 What I can eat on the "Pie or Die" day

You are more than welcome to eat whatever on the menu on that day

Single Pie

Q5 Could you decorate the pie for birthday?

Yes, apsolutely, please call us or fill our the order online

Single Pie

Q1 Where is the closest bus stop

the closest busstop is Dixie hwy at el Vedado

Q2 Can I order the pie for my wedding?

Yes, apsolutely, please call us or fill our the order online

Single Pie
Old Fashioned Apple

Q3 What is the most famous pie?

The most famous pie is "Famous Apple Pie"

Q4 What I can eat on the "Pie or Die" day

You are more than welcome to eat whatever on the menu on that day

Single Pie
Single Pie

Q5 Could you decorate the pie for birthday?

Yes, apsolutely, please call us or fill our the order online